14 Best ChatGPT Competitors and alternatives (Free, Paid and Open Source)

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a transformative force that revolutionizes human-computer interaction. With its natural language processing capabilities and versatility, it has the potential to revolutionize industries like customer service and content creation.

However, ChatGPT faces competition from top AI models like Chatsonic, Claude, Bing AI, Jasper Chat, Socratic, YouChat, Poe by Quora, and Perplexity, offering a future where machines seamlessly converse and collaborate with humans.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an advanced language model developed by OpenAI that generates human-like text in response to user prompts. It is built on the GPT architecture, specifically GPT-3.5, which is known for its ability to understand context, generate coherent text, and perform natural language understanding tasks.

ChatGPT excels in conversational contexts, making it ideal for creating chatbots, virtual assistants, and other applications involving human-computer interactions through text.
It can provide detailed responses, engage in interactive conversations, answer questions, and mimic the tone and style of writing prompts.

You can use ChatGPT for various tasks, such as drafting emails, writing code, composing articles, and generating creative content. However, it is not infallible and may produce incorrect or nonsensical information. OpenAI is working to improve its limitations and ensure responsible usage of the technology.

Features of ChatGPT

  • Natural language understanding
  • Contextual comprehension
  • Interactive conversations
  • Question answering
  • Content generation
  • Summarization
  • Text completion
  • Language translation
  • Personalization
  • Humor and creativity
  • Code generation
  • Learning and information
  • Conversation steering
  • Task assistance
  • Brainstorming
  • Editing and proofreading
  • Interactive storytelling
  • Emotion and tone adaptation
  • Small talk and casual conversation
  • Ethical constraint implementation


Freemium. $20/mo.

ChatGPT Competitors and Alternatives


Bard is an experiment using Google’s PaLM 2 model to collaborate with generative AI. It enhances creativity, productivity, and helps users plan, draft, and understand complex topics, boosting imagination and productivity. 

Bard can help you brainstorm ideas for various tasks. It can help with birthday party planning, decision-making, and understanding complex topics.

Bard is an experiment and may give inaccurate or inappropriate responses. You can help make Bard better by leaving feedback. Supercharge your imagination, boost your productivity, and bring your ideas to life.


Free. Proprietary.


Bing is an AI search engine powered by GPT-4. Bing has taken the power of GPT-4 in partnership with OpenAI.

You can use Bing AI for Free at the moment, there is no premium option for the Bing Ai. Bing Chat is also available for free. 


Free. Proprietary.


Perplexity AI is an AI-powered search engine and chatbot launched in August 2022 by a team from OpenAI, Meta, Quora, and Databrick.
As a natural language processing model, it can provide accurate and comprehensive answers to user queries.

Launched to challenge ChatGPT, Perplexity AI searches the web in real-time and offers up-to-date information on various topics.
Users can ask questions by typing in their request in the search bar and clicking the blue arrow.

Follow-up questions can be asked using the “Ask a follow-up” bar.
Perplexity AI can answer FAQs, find step-by-step instructions, define terms, find opening hours, and find weather forecasts.


Freemium. $20/mo.


Jasper.ai is an AI content platform that provides quick, generative text assistance for emails, blogs, and social media posts. Originally known as Jarvis AI, it was changed after Marvel challenged its name conflicting with Iron Man’s AI companion.

Jasper.ai uses Generative Pre-trained Transformer language (GPT) models, specifically GPT-3.5, which is tailored to specific business use cases. As of now, its AI has processed 10% of the internet. Jasper gives you a free trial option of up to 10,000 words to get started. Pricing starts at $49 per month.


Paid. $49/mo.


Chatsonic is another AI chatbot that can be used as an alternative to ChatGPT.

Chatsonic’s responses are more summarized compared to ChatGPT, which tends to provide more detailed and longer responses. ChatSonic offers a Free Trial plan which allows users to generate up to 10,000 words per month. The Long-Form plan offers up to 47,500 words for $12.67 per month.


Freemium. $12.67/mo.


Claude AI utilizes Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning to assist users in scheduling, booking appointments, and answering questions. It can summarize long transcripts, clarify complex writings, and generate lists of ideas and questions.

You can use Claude Ai for free.


Free. Proprietary.


OpenAI GPT Playground is an interactive web interface that enables users to experiment with GPT language models, including GPT-3. It simplifies the testing of prompts and familiarizes users with the API’s functionality.

Just input a prompt and observe how the model generates text. The platform can also be used by developers and researchers to explore GPT models.


Free. Proprietary.


Poe is a specialized variant of OpenAI’s GPT-3 model tailored for creative writing. Named after the renowned author Edgar Allan Poe, this variant can emulate different writing styles and genres. Writers and creators can use Poe to generate text that resembles the tone, structure, and themes of various literary styles.


Free. Proprietary.


YouChat is an AI-powered chatbot search assistant feature developed by You.com.
It allows users to query the internet through messaging and receive results in a conversational way.

YouChat can understand the intent behind user queries and provide relevant answers by using a combination of language models and search algorithms.

It is not to be confused with the mobile messaging app of the same name, which focuses on providing search assistance and generating responses.
YouChat is free to use.


Free. Proprietary.


Chinchilla AI was named after the previous model family, Gopher.
It aims to investigate the scaling laws of large language models and has shown promising results.
It was presented in March 2022 and is still in the testing phase as of January 2023.
It has demonstrated an average accuracy of 67.5% on the MMLU benchmark, 7% higher than the Gopher model.
Chinchilla AI can be used in chatbots, virtual assistants, and predictive models, reading comprehension, and closed-book question answering.
It uses the same compute budget as Gopher but with 70 billion parameters and four times more data, resulting in improved performance.


Free. Proprietary.


Socratic is a Google AI-powered learning app that aids in understanding high school and university.

It work by providing the best online resources for learning concepts, supporting most high school subjects.


Free. Proprietary.


Replika describes itself as ‘An AI companion who is eager to learn and would love to see the world through your eyes.’ Replika prioritizes meaningful conversations and emotional support. It’s designed to engage users in discussions about a variety of topics and provide companionship. Users can confide in Replika, share thoughts, and receive empathetic responses, making it a unique AI-driven platform for personal development and emotional connection. friend.


Free. Proprietary.


DialoGPT is a variant of the GPT model designed specifically for engaging in conversations. It’s fine-tuned to understand and generate dialogue-based responses. DialoGPT is useful for building chatbots, virtual assistants, and other conversational AI applications that involve back-and-forth interactions with users.


Free. Proprietary.


Pi is an AI-powered virtual assistant developed by Pratilipi, an Indian company. It serves as a personalized companion for users, engaging them in conversations, providing information, and offering entertainment. 

Pi’s capabilities span a variety of topics, catering to users’ interests and engaging them in interactive dialogues.


Free. Proprietary.


Neeva AI is an AI-powered search engine developed by Neeva Inc.

The system utilizes your search history to offer personalized results, enhancing the efficiency of your search experience.

NeevaAI merges the precision and up-to-date information of the Neeva search engine with the capabilities of large language models like ChatGPT.


Free. Proprietary.

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